This year the World Citrus Organisation (WCO) together with Fruitnet Media International will host the third edition of the Global Citrus Congress on the 30 November 2022. Following the success of the first two editions with citrus stakeholders attending from around the world, the 2022 edition will again gather the global citrus sector from across the supply chain to discuss pertinent sector issues. Under the theme ‘The outlook for citrus in unpredictable times’, the Global Citrus Congress 2022 will run over a three-hour online event covering the latest forecast for the Northern Hemisphere production season by the WCO, an in- depth analysis of the current global citrus market trends by CIRAD and discussion on key industry trends.

The Global Citrus Congress returns this year as WCO and Fruitnet Media International’s online event for the international citrus business. The 2022 Global Citrus Congress will take place online on 30 November at 13:00- 16:00 CET under the theme ‘The outlook for citrus in unpredictable times’. Bringing together leading citrus growers, marketers, retailers and analysis from around the world, the online conference will explore strategies to deliver strong growth as global supply increases. The three-hour event will cover the latest forecast for the Northern Hemisphere production season by the WCO, an in-depth analysis of the current global citrus market trends by CIRAD, the WCO’s Technical Secretariat, and discussion on key industry trends with leading citrus stakeholders.

The 2022 edition of the Global Citrus Congress follows two successful editions in 2020 and 2021. WCO Co- Chair José Antonio Garcia Fernandez affirmed, “The Global Citrus Congress will be a great opportunity to discuss major issues affecting our business model in a global scenario of great uncertainty. Unity, communication, coordination and working together are essential in these times of change. The WCO’s mission is to help this goal with transparency, facilitating the debate. This is the reason why the 2022 Global Citrus Congress is a must”. WCO Co-Chair Justin Chadwick added, “This November the Global Citrus Congress will again gather leading citrus stakeholders from countries across the globe. The Congress presentations and discussions will provide an open exchange on citrus matters throughout the chain with a global approach. In a demanding market, citrus competitiveness can only be achieved through collaborative dialogue and action”.

Registrations to the Global Citrus Congress 2022 are free of charge and open to all industry players with an interest in citrus. To register visit The full Global Citrus Congress 2022 programme will be announced soon. WCO and Fruitnet Media International look forward to welcoming you at the Global Citrus Congress on 30 November!


Note to the Editors: The World Citrus Organisation is a global platform for dialogue and action that brings together citrus producing countries. For more information, contact the association at or visit the association website

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