
Why become a member ?

Why become a member?

Membership to the World Citrus Organisation (WCO) is open to citrus producing countries’ associations (full membership), as well as to private companies and service providers to the citrus supply chain (affiliated membership).

WCO is the only global organisation solely focused on citrus fruit. It draws inspiration from the success of other platforms focused on individual fruit categories, such as pears & apples, kiwis, avocado and red fruits, which already have their own global platforms.

The core aim of the WCO is to facilitate exchange between member countries to better face common challenges and seize opportunities for the collective benefit of the citrus sector in a spirit of cooperation and transparency.

At annual and interim meetings WCO members have the opportunity to exchange on topical focus areas for the sector, such as crop statistics and production information as well as to discuss key market factors impacting the fresh and processed citrus markets.

How to become a member?

Please contact the secretariat if you are interested in joining WCO.


Contribution Criterion (annual)
Full Membership – Producing Country/State Association 2500 EURO
Affiliate Membership – Observer Status (private company, service provider, etc.) 750 EURO

WCO members

WCO Full Members:

ABCM- Associação Brasileira de Citrus de Mesa (Brazil), Ailimpo – Asociación Interprofesional de Limón y Pomelo (Spain), AKIB – Mediterranean Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Exporters Association (Turkey), Citrus Australia (Australia), Citrus Growers’ Association (South Africa), Chilean Citrus Committee (Chile), Fruitimprese (Italy), Groupement Interprofessionnel des Fruits (Tunisia), Moroccan Interprofessional Citrus Federation – Maroc Citrus (Morocco), Plant Production Marketing Board (Israel), Procitrus – Asociacion de Productores de Citricos del Peru (Peru), Upefruy – Unión de Productores y Exportadores de Fruta del Uruguay (Uruguay).

WCO Associated Members:

AgroFresh (Spain), AM FRESH Group (Spain), Apeel Sciences (USA) Citrosol (Spain), Citrusvil (Argentina), Classic Harvest (USA), ClemenGold (South Africa), Easyfresh Logistics (Spain), FMI (Netherlands & Spain), FruitOne (South Africa), G.F. Marketing (South Africa), Janssen Preservation and Material Protection (Belgium), MAFA-Magrabi Agriculture (Egypt), Morocco Foodex (Morocco), Naturipe (USA), Oranfrizer (Italy), PCN (USA), River Front Packing (USA), San Miguel Global (South Africa), Totai Citrus (Bolivia), Wonderful Citrus (USA), and Zalar Agri- Agricole Centre (Morocco).


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